2016 in review

2016 was our best year yet! We got the water jet cutter working, and met many new people! We also had some setbacks, but have more than made up for them by the awesome things that have happened, and things we are looking forward to.
Here are some pictures of things you may have missed over the last year.

Ben cutting valentines gifts
Ben cutting valentines gifts
Cutting tank treads for Red Devil on BattleBots
Cutting tank treads for Red Devil on BattleBots
Kelie (left) and Jeremy (right) show off a stone gear
Kelie (left) and Jeremy (right) show off a stone gear
Mary Fenley holds an aluminum peace sign
Dr. Mary Fenley holds an aluminum peace sign
Winchester poses for his silhouette
Winchester poses for his silhouette
Plywood silhouettes of Winchester and John Fenley
Plywood silhouettes of Winchester and John Fenley
Ephraim uses the lathe
Ephraim uses the lathe
Allen uses the grinder
Allen uses the grinder
Dan (left) designs a part, while Ashley (right) prepares to do chasing and repousse
Dan (left) designs a part, while Ashley (right) prepares to do chasing and repousse
John, representing ProVolt (left) and Beth, Representing Make Salt Lake (right) attend a meeting of makerspace organizers at the White House
John, representing ProVolt (left) and Beth, Representing Make Salt Lake (right) attend a meeting of makerspace organizers at the White House
Swag from DC from spaces we connected with
Swag from DC from spaces we connected with
Ales (center) and 2 BYU students (left and right) work on a robot hand
Ales (center) and 2 BYU students (left and right) work on a robot hand
Kelie (right) shows off his Batman grappling hook
Kelie (right) shows off his Batman grappling hook
Mike (left) and Lloyd (right) experiment with liquid nitrogen
Mike (left) and Lloyd (right) experiment with liquid nitrogen

Shout outs to Andrew, Joe (x3) , Jaan, Omar, Chris(x2), Wesley, Jordan, Pam, Brad, Jason, Wil, Brian, Patrick, James, Wisteria, Martin (x2), Amy, Davido, Roy, Kevin, Eric (x3), Ryan, Hillary,  Andrea, Michael, Nicco and others who weren’t pictured, but have made 2016 a very exciting year for us.

Special Thanks to Jim Williams, Boomerang Books, Jerome Miles, and New Vistas for supporting us by buying lots of water jet time, Ben, Kelie, and Allen for their outstanding volunteer work, and to Steve Fordham, Pam Watkins, Damon Downing, Habitat for Humanity, and Dr. Mary Fenley for their generous donations. You have made 2016 a success!


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